Yom Kippur Services with
During the High Holidays, the doors to heaven are open to all… so are ours!
Join us for traditional Yom Kippur Services.
High Holiday Services are blended with contemporary messages and insights in a warm and welcoming environment.
All are welcome, no membership required, no experience necessary, English/Hebrew prayer books, warm & friendly atmosphere, children's services provided.

Yom Kippur
Passover Seder 2024

Time & Location
Apr 22, 2024, 7:30 PM
2043 Pruneridge Ave, 2043 Pruneridge Ave, Santa Clara, CA 95050, USA
About the Event
Please do not hesitate to RSVP, regardless of what you can afford. Please call or email for discounted rates or other payment arrangements. (408)-718-9074 / rabbi@jewishsantaclara.com
JOIN AN ENTERTAINING & UPLIFTING COMMUNITY SEDER. Relive the Jewish redemption from slavery & enjoy:
* A Delicious Gala Four-Course Meal
* Argentinian Brisket & Vegetarian Options
* A Participatory Retelling of the Story
* International Selection of Kosher Wines
* Tasting the special Passover Delicacies of Haroset &Marror
* Hand-Baked “Shmurah” Matzah from Israel
Suggested Donation:
EARLY BIRD Adult $45 | Standard $54 | Child (Under 12 years old) $18 | Toddler (under 3) Free